Aquarius Alicia Keys Information
Section: Chat Transcripts

Street Team Chat (July 12nd, 2006)

aliciakeys: Hey to all my PEOPLE!!!! How are you??

caro_chile: where r u alicia?
aliciakeys: I'm here waiting for some of your great questions your bout to ask me. Talk to me my folks.......;-)

Jennifer: Are You planning on a tour anytime soon (ie Next year)? (SHOWING SOME LOVE IN TAMPA,FLORIDA) ::smile
aliciakeys: Hey Jennifer, Right now, I am focused a hundred percent on the new album but once it's done I'm DEF hitting the road and tampa is someplace I love to tour! do you like big productions or things small and intimate when it comes to shows?

Liyahluv: Hey Alicia, another question for you. Back when you released Diary, It was a clever way on how you left a number out there for ur fans to reach you. That was was clever. Have you thought of setting something up like that again? We need to get you girl.
aliciakeys: Yea, I liked that but it turned into alot of drama, but I would like to do that again. I like having personal ways to reach you

ush: My favroite song is so simple what inspired you to write it and who does the voice at the beggining?
aliciakeys: Thats my voice, but I like to call her lellow since that is a nickname my folks call me... so simple was inspired by life...u know how things change in a relationship and u're trying to figure out how to deal with it and will it ever be the same

RenatoG: Hi Alicia, I'm Renato from Chile, SouthAmerica, and I'd like to know how do you feel about the great and big language of music, going anywhere and people knowing your songs and singing them in your concerts. Also, are you planing to come to SouthAmerica? I love you!!!
aliciakeys: I think that is the most INCREDIBLE thing about music! It blows me away EVERY time. I trip out because we may not speak the same language, but we understand each other. I think that is the most incredible thing about music and the reason why it brings us together....... I can't wait to come to south america!!! I've never been able to yet, but I plan to cause I've heard the most incredible things about it and I have to experience it for myself....

angela keys ü: Alicia, have you ever thougt of doing Broadway Musicals? -Angela<3
aliciakeys: Thats a good question. I've thought about doing the music for them...and if the right one came along I would love to act in one as well. I think theatre is very special to be able to create an enviroment every night that revolves around a story....very possible in the future

adh4life: What's the latest news on the production of your television show?
aliciakeys: The television show is still in devleopment. WE are working on creating the pilot which will determine everything. Its gonna be a good one though. I show that really represents the real, not the corn LOL

Veronique: sup alicia.. Remember the sim card we gave you a year ago when we met you in a'dam? what u do with it? haha..
aliciakeys: Dag, I think I misplaced it.... I'm sorry.. what was on it? your number? lol

heartburn76: hi alicia, i love U so much for what U bring to the music world and for uR big heart,U R such a good person and we need it!!i'd like to know,would U like to make a duet with beyonce?
aliciakeys: I've thought about that. I think us coming together could be very interesting and bring forth a fly duet a mixture of worlds, thoughts and experiences

Astark21: How has making movies challenged? And what role do you see yourself doing down the line?
aliciakeys: Movies are challenging because you have to truly abandon everything and become totally free... it's alot like music for me in that way, but it challenges me because the roles that I have done (especially smoking aces) made me dig deep into a part of me that is often covered up on a day to I went down inside of me and brought out a darker side

Shaad23: Will there ever be a place (City,State,Etc.,) where Alicia can meet her street team.
aliciakeys: Thats a fly idea, gonna have to look into that.....

GABBYRENEE: Alicia, Do you suppose if you had a father while growing up would he have supported your singing and piano playing?
Some people want it all, are you one of those people? Who are some of you favorite fashion designers? Will there be a clothing line coming out soon?
Will there be a fragrance coming out soon? I think it should called Lellow... would you put yourself in a freezer if it was possible and comeback 100 years???? What is on your nightstand????? corny i know... WHat is you biggest strength? What is your biggest weakness? WHat is you favorite time of day? What is your perfect day? What is the last thing you bought? Alicia Finish the sentence, My life is......... When is the last time you cried?
aliciakeys: I can't see your whole question but I know that GOD has a plan for me and everyway I grew up and everything I expereinced helped me to be a stronger woman. I may not have been as strong if I grew up differently, or as confident, or have such a get up and go.. I don't know, but I know for a FACT I would be a different person.and I like how I am now, so I'm happy with how it worked out.....

move_alli: Alicia how have you ever had to overcome depression from loss of a loved-one?? If so how do you keep your head uP?
aliciakeys: Yes.... It is very hard. Most of the time you need time and most of the time you don't have the time to take.....but one day at a time is what helped to get me through it and also trying to face my fears about losing them and come to terms with what I was given by having them in my life for the length of time that I did. it's hard. IT just takes time. but I held on to the memories and cried alot. Soon it gets alittle easier. Give yourself time to heal. I'm sorry about your loss.....

CaliVicki: When does your J Records contract expire? ;)
aliciakeys: sooon hehe

JoyBagoy: how has being involved with KCA changed your life? i've been emailing Diana and it seems really genuine and the things it's done seems really encouragingly effective!
aliciakeys: Yes!! it truly is. and that is how it has changed my life the most. by seeing change in a situation that seems unchange-able. Its an incredible feeling and even tho it sometimes seems like what can we do? alittle goes a long way.....
its the real deal

Alana M. Jizzle: Hey Alicia, I remembered asking you about a Christmas album at an MSN chat last year; any final word on one for this year yet? ::closedeyes
aliciakeys: Not yet, but I think that may happen before I die (which WONT be ANY time soon;-)

LXady: Alicia, what's your opinion on a female president..?^^ we still need you to throw in your 2 cents... ;) luv u, btw :D
aliciakeys: Female president is what the world needs if you ask me. Alittle more emotion and concern will be good for the world..especially the way things are going now.. it aint good...we need someone whose going to drastically change thngs!!

luis_bolini: hello my name is luis afonso i am portuguese and i am 14 years...i love you...i love your style your souls...i just love u...i saw your concert in rock in rio lisboa 2004 ad i loved when u came to portugal again alica???portugal and me loves you!!!
aliciakeys: oh my goodness Portugal was UNREAL!! I loved you right back! can't wait to come back

fettichini: what advice can alicia give for us up coming producers in the rap/hip hop world?
aliciakeys: keep it fresh. make it interesting and add fly changes to differentiate your hooks from your versus. we need more creativity so come with it! it'll make you stand out above the rest. also try to create different sounds for different people.. that makes you a true producer when you can capture the best of an artist. Best of luck. Keep doing your thang, it'll pay off

0omelissa0o: what do you think about the rumors ?
aliciakeys: what rumors??
does that answer the question ;-)

Dimples313: hey alicia its ya girl Rachael from the MB (aka Dimples!!) HOWS IT FEEL TO BE A SUPER STAR GIRL!!!!!!!!! How does it feel to come up from little and be huge! I would like to know, cuz i wanna know how ima be feelin in the future haha!!!! MUCH LOVE!
aliciakeys: Hey rachel!!! How are you mama. How does it feel? i feel like a regular girl. I'm def grateful for the recognition and the love.. but I'm just a regular lady and thats how I'll always see myself.....
But I love your f*ckin attitude ;-)

0omelissa0o: if tomorrow you will wake up with nothing what is your reaction ?
aliciakeys: back to the grind is an everyday thing!!!;-)

Starluna2: How do you balance your career and family life?
aliciakeys: I have no idea!!! I'm learning as i go.....;-)

CaliVicki: KK seems to be moving forward nicely. Congrats on that! :) Is Kerry gonna do a video? If so, are you going to cameo in it?
aliciakeys: Yes! KrucialKeys is moving along VERY NICELY....just like with everything...anything good takes time to build. and we're building the best...thats how we on it. Yes Krucial is going to do a video and u know I'm gonna rep;-) It's on and poppin!! come support the site.. and the EP "TAKE THE HOOD BACK" featuring ILLZ

crarom: Hola from Barcelona-Spain ALICIA!!! I'm Carlos. I'm sure that you're preparing alot of surprises in your new album....but , how many duets will be there?
I love your duets. A kiss from Barcelona!
aliciakeys: A kiss back to barcelona! I LOVE it there! how many duets? I'm not sure yet. usually I don't like to do toooo many duets because I think it can start to dilute the album but the way I'm feeling there is so much to say.... I'm very excited about this album! I love the process

neverbroken: Hey.. I read you like Gnarls Barkley - as a graphic design fan I was wondering if you'd like to bring out a video like the one they did for crazy?
aliciakeys: Yea, that video is SICK. I usully like vidoes that really describe the realism of the song but for "CRAZY" it seemed like those visuals really made you focus on the words.

move_alli: Alexis from Arizona: Alicia you're music is so amazing, ILOVEYOU so much. Whats your next studio album going to be like? I'm lovin that Ghetto Story Remix, you're ill girl!
aliciakeys: U're feeling that "Ghetto Story" joint? thank you! I lOVE IT too. just came back from kingston doing the vidoe. MAAAAADDDD lov in KIngston.. it was crazy! The next studio album is going to be.............shiiiiiiiitttttt we're both gonna discover it;-) I'm letting it unfold itself to me... its something special...ooohhhweeeeee

0omelissa0o: what do you think when you woke up this morning ?
aliciakeys: Someone else asked me that question recently..... the first thing I think of is thank god I'm alive and the next is... TIME TO GET IT CRACKIN!;-)

alicia what book are you reading or trying to read?
aliciakeys: I read alot.....right now i'm reading the juror by John Girsham (that can't be how you spell his name) I don't usually read those kinds of books but I got into this one....

move_alli: If you had to choose one place in the WORLD to be where would you go?? Be specific Alicia! I love you, GodBless!
aliciakeys: it would be someplace warm..... like a barcelona or a montego bay, but I really want to go to egypt....

Ari_J_K: Hi Alicia! I live in Finland and I've been wondering the emptyness of today's music too. What do you think has changed from the old days that's creating this difference?
aliciakeys: I think what's different is its less about playing and vibing in one room with a group of talented muscians. I think everyone is so interested in a quick turn around they don't really take the time to think about or feel what they are saying. I think people are scared of being different because different is to risky and most people dont take a chance with it. i think to many people do it only for the money.....thats some of what I feel the difference is now, from b4

aaliyahciafn: Okay This my serious question...This Enji(aaliyahciafn)from new orleans i was wonderin how did u and momma keys settle yall differences? I member u sayin yall went on a no talkin strike... how did yall work things out to becoming so close?
aliciakeys: Hey Enji! How are you mama?
How did we solve our differences? It took alot of time. We were ALWAYS fighting..but soon she started to give me my space and then I started realizing she was RIGHT lol! but you know i think if you show respect you will get it back. but thats easier said than done sometimes aint it? you beefin girl? ;-)

heartburn76: alicia U R da best singer of our generation and i love U so much!!how come U didn't win anything at the grammy ceremony?!!!it's not normal i think!!uR unplugged is simply wonderful
aliciakeys: Thanks baby!! but I can't win everything or else it won't be any fun for anyone else LOL!!!!;-) thanks for your support and for loving the unplugged i truly appreciate you

knewton: Is your next CD going to be a “jazz” project as rumored or something else entirely?
aliciakeys: Whre did you hear that? ;-)I wouldnt call it jazz.. its going to be alot of different things, new things, refreshing, a mixture.....

Sene: hey Alica! Some late night love from Norway! What's good? I hope your video shooting is going down? If you could go back to your old life for one day, how would you spend that day? And when will you give out your next book?
aliciakeys: Late night love from norway!thank you! back to my "old" life for one day. I would just do alot of walking around and chilling on alot of street corners. listening and talking.I do that now, but its alittle different;-)

joakes: Hey Alicia - James & Marita here in Manchester UK - its 00:31 - just wanted to say hello ;-) Are you in New York tonight ? Near 42nd Ave?
aliciakeys: I'm in NY but not really near 42nd street;-)

knewton: When will there be more action/contests in the Fan Club?
aliciakeys: Very soon...the new newsletter is coming soon too, there will be something in there.... I'm sorry its been such a delay... its just that we don't want to do the same crap some other fanclubs do. We always want to make it special for you;-)

marta: ohh okay well do u wanna have children?(oh and i am ur biggest fan)
aliciakeys: Kids? One day yes..but not now, I'm too young;-) Hey Ankini! how are you?
At this time I have to head back into the studio and get some vibes flowing for the album. I want to thank all my family for coming out and chattin it up with me. we'll do it again soon. I hope all of you are having a great summer and don't forget to support (lots a new footage) and spread love
I apprecaite yall so much! and can't wait to talk and see you all soon!
be safe
one love

MSN Chat (October 5th, 2005)

Dish Diva: Alicia, welcome to MSN Live!
Alicia Keys: Wassup family? How is everybody feeling out there? I am excited about the chat. Let's get to chatting!
Golden Girl in Onstage_3 asks: Oh my god!! Alicia is real you????
Alicia Keys: (laughs) It is absolutely me. Ready to answer all your juicy questions but not too juicy. LOL!
Alicia Keys: I am in LA on the second day of rehearsals for my movie "Smoking' Aces." It is crazy!
Dish Diva: OK, let's start with the questions!
NoNameInLove05 in Onstage_3 asks: will the dvd have extra footage not seen on mtv???
Alicia Keys: The DVD has so much more than what was on MTV.
Alicia Keys: There are interviews things, an hour more of music. . So much that you haven't seen yet!
MascaraHi in Onstage_3 asks: First Hi! If you could only remember one event of your life from the beginning to now, what would you choose to have as your one memory. We luv U Girl!
Alicia Keys: Hi mascara! Thanks! How are you?
Alicia Keys: Is your mascara waterproof?
Alicia Keys: If there was one mamory it would have to be around my family when my Fafa was alive with my mother and grandmother and feeling the goodness of real love.
LELLOW4EVA1 in Onstage_3 asks: are you extra excited about unplugged on tuesday
Alicia Keys: Oh I am so excited. It is like a dream come truefor me. To share this kind of love for music with you is something I feel extra special about.
AJinNYC_7 in Onstage_3 asks: Alicia, will you be bringing out a Christmas album?
Alicia Keys: (laughs) Not this year but I think that is a great idea. There are so many songs I love. It is possible but I wouldn't want to do something cheesy.
xChikaPikax in Onstage_3 asks: Do you enjoy acting for your first movie?
Alicia Keys: Hi Chika! I am really excited about getting inside the role of Georgia Sykes. She is totally intense and different from me.
Alicia Keys: It enables me to explore parts of me that I pushed down far far.
Singin_Coco_Chanel in Onstage_1 asks: First, I just want to say that I love you and your music. How was it performing at such an intimate setting for your MTV Unplugged?
Alicia Keys: Hi Coco.
Alicia Keys: I love you back and everybody here today
Alicia Keys: It took me back to the beginning the way I can laugh and joke and share stories. It kind of feels like I have 800 friends and we're all just chilling.
PrincessLiyah0764 in Onstage_1 asks: Gretchen D Smith From Campbellsville Kentucky, Alicia Hello my question is, Do you think u would ever do a gospel CD?? You sounded Great sing it on the TV that night for the hurricane Katrina benafit??
Alicia Keys: It is something that I really would like to get into and do. The more I realzie about myself, the more I see the greatness in God's plan. I have so much faith. It is very possible that I may do one one day.
ZofiaAKAZebra_17 in Onstage_1 asks: Hey Alicia! I'm from Luxemburg, but I'm Polish. I read that you turned some of your poems of "Tears for water" into songs. Will we ever be able to hear any of them?
Alicia Keys: How is Luxemburg doing?
Alicia Keys: On the DVD is "Stolen Moments" and I also included "Constant Evolution of Going Nowhere" on the beginning of "Street of New York."
Alicia Keys: So you will really feel the poetry come to life on this DVD and album.
PhWithAttitude3 in Onstage_1 asks: Alicia c mon when U come here in Slovakia??? Im still waitin 4 ya gurl * mwaaah PS u rock!
Alicia Keys: Wow! Oh!
Alicia Keys: It blows my mind that people in Slovakia love my music. We have a connection with each other. I don't have it on the calendar yet but I would like to try and come to every corner of the world and see you in person one day!
t kizzle in Onstage_3 asks: r u gonna do any gigs between now and till ur next studio album drops? luv ya and thx for everything
Alicia Keys: Thank you for everything right back, kizzle!
Alicia Keys: As of right now, I am not sure about doing more gigs. I am sure I will perform in some way but after my movie and Christmas and my Pilgrimage to Africa with "Keep a Child Alive" I plan to really take some good ME time in January.
Alicia Keys: There are not any gigs yet on my calendar. It will soon come.
StipularPrettyinpink in Onstage_1 asks: Muzak*Freak from TEXXAS : would you ever have a clothing line? you have a very unique style!
Alicia Keys: Hi. I thought about doing a clothingline. Right now I don't think it is a right time for me and I don't want to feel like I am jumping on the band wagon. The future is wide open and there are so many ways I can be creative!
Dish Diva: There are so many questions Alicia about a clothing line.
Alicia Keys: Well then I should maybe do this sooner than I thought!
BrendalynAlisha in Onstage_3 asks: Do you ever get nervous or are you just used to going out there and DOIN DA DAMN THANG! haha..
Alicia Keys: Hi Brenda. In the beginning I got nervous a lot. I still get nervous if I do something I am not 100% sure of like a brand new somg or new situation I definitely feel a little nerves.
Alicia Keys: I always go out with the attitude that I am doing my best and it always ends up working out.
NYCDreamerKait in Onstage_1 asks: Kait from Hollywood, Florida: Alicia, ur music blows my mind. What is your next studio album going to be like? I love all your music, and Unplugged was off the chain!
Alicia Keys: (laughs) Big up for the love for Unplugged!
Alicia Keys: The next studio album? I never know what it will be until it is created. It will be a little rawer picture Joe Cocker and janis Joplin mixed with a lot of soul.
Alicia Keys: I see myself pushing my own envelope every chance I can get.
Alicia Keys: I think it will also talk about the state of the world as well.
Whisper_6702 in Onstage_3 asks: Are you aware of the power of the synchronistic events in your life?
Alicia Keys: Ooooh! Good question!
Alicia Keys: I think that I am aware of the power of it in hindsight. Then I really see the way my actions caused a reaction.
ivona_ak in Onstage_1 asks: Alicia we ar waiting....are you feeling the love in the air? lol
Alicia Keys: (laughs) I am feeling the love in the air.
Alicia Keys: I feel like I have the flyest, smartest most intelligent "FAM" on the planet!!
Sun_is_Shining_0000 in Onstage_3 asks: How does it feel to rock the crowd?
Alicia Keys: Hi Sun! It feels prettyincredible when there is an undeniable connection myself and you at a show. There is like an electricity. It is undescrible to the highest power in the sense of a heavenly power.
Alicia Keys: I love rocking with you all and I love the way we connect and have like minds, spirits and like love for music! (laughs) The truth in music is what I really mean!
Txga2 in Onstage_3 asks: I know that most artists look back to older artists for inspiration, but is there anyone out there now that inspires you creatively?
Alicia Keys: Hmmm.
Alicia Keys: I do look back to older artsts who inspire me. There is a legacy that I hold on to.
Alicia Keys: There are a lot of new artists. Coldplay.
Alicia Keys: Anthony Hamilton inspires me.
Alicia Keys: I like this new undiscovered artist S'Oudn.
Alicia Keys: Anytime I go anywhere and hear people play there is inspiration to be gotten from it in a lot of ways.
x-alex-x in Onstage_1 asks: I love how you go "yeaaaaaaaah!"at the end of a lot of your performances, I can't stop saying it now! Alexandra Leckie, London
Alicia Keys: (laughs)
Alicia Keys: LOL!
Alicia Keys: That is so funny. When I was mixing teh album.
Alicia Keys: I was making sure the flow was perfect. I noticed I kept saying "Yah! " at teh end of everything. It was kind of getting on my nerves. I apprciate the love of it! LOL!
yoursweetestlady in Onstage_3 asks: Hey AliciaI'm newly representing DC, originally from Detroit. Have u ever been emotional during a song? If so when? and What song?
Alicia Keys: Hi lady!
Alicia Keys: I remember my most emotional was in Africa and I was sitting at the piano. There were 50,000 people. People knew the words and were screaming thm out.
Alicia Keys: We were there for Worlds AIDS Day 2002.
Alicia Keys: I invited my Miss Miriam Makeba out to sing with me. She is one of Africa's heroines and has been throughso much truggle. When she came outteh gasp from the audience was so loud and heartfelt.
Alicia Keys: Thinking of the struggles we had been through especially her. I almost couldn't make it through the song. It was one of the most emotional moments in my life.
Alicia Keys: It varies. One of the most perfect days is sleeping in and maybe wake up to a little sun shower.
Alicia Keys: Then sit through that and hear the rain fall.
Alicia Keys: Then meeting up with some of my favorite people. Maybe we all get together and bave a BBQ, laugh, play cards and get in arguments as families do.
Alicia Keys: Then by the end of the night watch the sun set and feel content that I have people like that to turn to.
Dish Diva: From all of us here at MSN and from the fans lietrally around the world, thanks for being here to talk about "Unplugged."
Alicia Keys: I am sorry we can't talk for 6 hours straight! I really want to!
Alicia Keys: It is my first rehearsal though for my first movie. I want to thank everyone around the world for yoru genuine love and support and for sticking with me from the begiinning.
Alicia Keys: To my FAM on the messageboard-- thanks for hanging in with me and I will answer those questions you guys sent to me. I didn't forget!
Alicia Keys: Check out KCA.ORG.
Alicia Keys: and
Alicia Keys: To keep on getting involved in the many charitable organizations that help change the world and me and Krucial are launching the brand new
Alicia Keys: It is going to be Crazy!
Alicia Keys: Check in for all brand new information, new music, new artists, new sounds. . .
Alicia Keys: And the creation of a legacy!
Alicia Keys: One love to everyone and we'll do another chat soon. Thank you and I love you all!
Dish Diva: Alicia has left the building!!
Dish Diva: Thanks for being here now go to bed!
Dish Diva: Especially for those of you in Europe! Good night!

(typed by Roxana)

MSN Chat (2002):

Dish Diva Welcome to MSN Live! Tonight we are pleased to welcome recording artist, Alicia Keys to MSN Live.
Dish Diva Alicia, it's great to meet you. Thanks for being here!
Alicia: Wazzup!!!
Dish Diva We have a number of audience members who just want to know one thing.
Guest_sportychica: Is "Keys" your real last name or is it because you play piano - (piano KEYS)?
Alicia: It is my last name, but it goes so well with the fact that I play too.
Guest_hornet3099c: Is "Fallin" and the video based on something you have experienced?
Alicia: Good question! I can say in some ways directly and indirectly.
fearlessqueendiva18: Do you do anything special to help you prepare for a big show?
Alicia: Sure! Definitely. I like to not talk a lot, about an hour before. I also like to definitely warm up and vocalize so my voice is warm and ready. I also have a special tea that I drink if I'm under the weather.
Guest_nacole99: What is the greatest lesson you have learn since you started in the business?
Alicia: I think the biggest lesson that I've learned (that is a GOOD question!) is to always be conscious of everything you do, and be concerned about what you're getting into. Know the background.
tHuGgEdOuTiNjErSeY: How do you explain your music genre?
Alicia: I don't really like to. I like to leave it up to the listener to describe it for themselves.
entyce28: Your style is so unique and original compared to what is heard on the radio everyday, do you feel that true musicians like yourself are not getting that much love because the industry is filled with all these pop star school girl images?
Alicia: I feel it's definitely changing. I think a lot of people want it to fit in a specific catagory, but now people are actually looking for individuals.
reseebaby: How many hats does she own?
Alicia: About 25 and I'm still collecting.
RaveUn2Mike: Even though you're fairly new to the music scene, many aspiring artists already see you as a musical influence. Who were some of your musical influences?
Alicia: Definitely old school artists like Marvin Gaye, Stevie Wonder, Curtis Mayfield, Nina Simons, Beethoven, Nirvana, song writers, definitely song writers, Alanis Morisett, Biggie.
DownrightGold: When did you start playing the piano?
Alicia: I started when I was 7.
DishDiva: Was it something you wanted to do?
Alicia: Oh definitely something I wanted to do. I was drawn to the piano since I was little and every time I got the chance to play on one, I did.
Musiclovergirl_03: Ms. Keys, what was the first song you ever wrote?
Alicia: The first good song I ever wrote was "I'm All Alone."
singin_chick: If a person writes their own songs, do they have a better chance at getting discovered?
Alicia: That's an excellent question! I think that the best way to be discovered is to be around what you want to be discovered. So any chance you get to be displaying your skill gives you a better chance. I do think that when a person writes their own songs, it gives them something extra and will be something people will look forward to because it's an asset.
Vania2002: Do you feel like your personal life has been invaded since you became popular?
Alicia: No, no because I make sure when I don't feel comfortable, if a question is too personal, I tell people, don't worry about it.
MsMel080: Alicia, how did you get discovered?
Alicia: Long story short, basically I was always singing and in a lot of groups. Within those groups I decided that maybe groups weren't for me. In my last group, I met my present manager and he and I, once I decided I didn't want to be in a group anymore, put together a demo. A very simple thing, of piano and songs. I continued to perform where people could see me and we set up some showcases with some labels where people could see me. I got a really great response and that was the beginning of the road.
nice_n_sweet86: How do you pronounce your name? uh-lee-see-uh or a-lee-shuh?
Alicia: Actually I pronounce it a-lee-shuh, but it's after my grandmother that is Puerto Rican, and the real pronounciation is uh-lee-see-uh.
ShiningStar402: How was it working with Busta Rhymes? And who would you like to make a track with one day?
Alicia: Busta is great! Definitely a lot of fun. He was in Vancouver and we had to record over the phone. We got a chance to vibe and got to know each other's ideas and it was like we were in the room together and it turned out great. In the future I would love to write a song with and sing with Lauryn Hill.
Ooo_la_la_la: Alicia how has your appearance on the "Oprah" show effected your career?
Alicia: It definitely, really gave me an opportunity to perform for a huge amount of people. And it personally changed my life because I was able to be in the room with so many artists that I admire. It reminded me that you can be with people you love and that love music. It was inspiring!
bobcat2331: if you could go anywhere, be with anyone, or do anything for a day, what would it be?
Alicia: I would go to, right now, that may change when I see more of the world, but right now I would go to Spain by myself and just be completely alone and write, look at the water, see the environment, soak it all in, it would change me for the better. I didn't want to leave Spain last time I went. I worked out everything I could possibly work out just to stay one more day. To smell the air, hear the accents of the people, it was just amazing!!
Duece_2nd: What type of person are you? Happy? Sad? Serious? Silly?
Alicia: I'm all of the above, depends on the moment. I'm a reflective person, but I'm actually very silly. I love to joke and laugh a lot. I like to have fun, but I'm definitely all of the above.
lilpooh1: On your spare time off away from the studio and stage what do you enjoy doing?
Alicia: I love to spend time with my family, my really close friends, we always have a great time. I love the summers, I like to go swimming, go to the beach, play spaids, go to the movies, sleep. (laughs)
papichulo1962: What's the best part of your fame?
Alicia: Performing and reaching people, and meeting people.
yummygirl1: Alicia where are you originally from?
Alicia: New York, New York, big city of dreams!
ZphiB2: What has been your best experience so far in the business?
Alicia: Performing, having Prince call me personally, which was pretty thrilling, and asked me to come and perform in Minneapolis.
Musixmaster2003: If you weren't a singer/producer, what you be doing?
Alicia: I think I would probably be into teaching. I really love young children and like getting into their life at an early age when they can be influenced in a good way. So I think I would like to be some kind of teacher.
Guest_glen: I thought your performance on Oprah was inspiring. I have a nine year old daughter that is interested in learning the piano. What age do your recommend she start?
Alicia: ASAP, and thank you for saying so. You know, anytime, when I was studying, there were people there that were 4, and some didn't start until they were 34. If that's what she wants to do, it's a good time. Since she's 9, she will know what it's like to put in some work like at school.
T_1luv: I know you like to read. What book most influenced your life?
Alicia: In one way, the book "Invisible Man" influenced my life because of how it made me see things. When I started reading it, it gave me an outlook on life and how people were treated in the past. It also gave me a big outlook on looking deeper into words and their meaning, because they could have more than one meaning. That was one of the major books that influenced me.
FloridasFinest4: What's your ultimate dream?
Alicia: It always changes. I hope to have a lot of them and maybe accomplish one and have another.
Pearl_24: Hey Alicia, who is your motivation or your muse?
Alicia: I think my mother. She's so strong and so special to me. Somebody that I know will go all out for me and that inspires me, that is definitely my muse.
covergirl_25: Alot of musicians are acting these days. Do you ever consider acting?
Alicia: Eventually, but I really want to take my time. I think acting is great. I'm even more interested in the scores behind the movies and creating them. They make you feel that emotion, the chasing scene or the scary scene. Eventually, I think so.
gloria_cannelle: When's your b-day and your astrological sign?
Alicia: My birthday is January 25th and my sign is Aquarius.
DishDiva: Do you follow your horoscope at all?
Alicia: A little, not religiously, but every once in a while I like to read it.
shibby_babe53: If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be and why?
Alicia: I try to accept my things and learn to love them for making me an individual, but I have very little patience. I'm working on that. (giggles)
HOWDY847: Of all the stars you met which have you been the most star struck?
Alicia: Only once. ONLY ONE, and that was when I only had 2 minutes and I shook the hand of Stevie Wonder. That was my only one.
justin5sec: If you were to redo a song by any artist what song, and by who?
Alicia: Besides "How Come You Don't Call Me?" on my album, I would like to remake "Some Day We'll All Be Free" by Donny Hathaway.
T_1luv: Do you play any other insturments?
Alicia: I play a little guitar, that's the next thing I'm going to be getting into big.
KSUAVE1: Do you think the music industry will change you?
Alicia: No, I think life in general, we all change, we grow, we figure out what we like and don't like. I don't think the industry is going to change me. I have really good people around me and I don't look at the industry as what life is, life is everything outside that.
user: What was life like before you were famous?
Alicia: It was pretty much the same, I worked really hard, frustrated, and I still get frustrated. I had great times and I still have great times. The only thing that's different is that more people know me, or know my face.
JusSoTaystie88: Alicia, how long was it before you actually had the chance to come out with an album?
Alicia: It felt like forever, but in retrospect, it was nothing compared to how long I intend to stay. To give it years, it was about 5 years.
smurflovesya: Why is your album called "Songs in A minor"? Is that your range?
Alicia: No. A minor is one of my favorite keys to play in. It's a beautiful key, it's easy and fluid, moody, and evokes emotion. A is the first letter of my name, so it means songs through my eyes, songs for me, songs I love to play.
jcismyfiancee: Is being famous all you expected it to be?
Alicia: I never really expected anything out of it. It's something I'm learning about as I go.
Musixmaster2003: What is your favorite album of all time?
Alicia: I think it is "Songs In The Key of Life" by Stevie Wonder.
ChinaClipper67: I really dig your hairstyle! Would you consider the braids your "signature" look, or do you plan on doing something different?
Alicia: Well it's definitely my signature look. It's the look I'm most comfortable with. I love them, they are easy to take care of, but I do intend in the future to try different things, that's always fun.
lemonjello4: What kind of education do you have and how important is it to you and do you plan to further your education?
Alicia: I actually graduated high school, I was valedictorian, I graduated 2 years early and was accepted at Columbia University. I started going there and that was about the time I was signed. I felt that I needed to follow my dream, but I think education is very important to me. It broadens one's mind, makes them think about things they wouldn't have before. Education is a very personal thing and I do intend to further my education.
Souljah4God1: How important is spirituality and God in your life?
Alicia: Number ONE to me! Every day I pray just to keep on the right track, to keep my eyes open and looking for not only the good people in my life and praising them, but also looking out for things that will bring me down. Something that is very important to me that helps sustain me every moment.
DishDiva: Alicia, it has been such a pleasure to have you here as our guest on MSN Live. From your fans and all of us here at MSN Live, best of luck with "Songs in A Minor."
Alicia: Thank you for having me! I love talking to you. Thank you for being so supportive and so much love, I show it right back to you.

Teen People chat:

Host: Welcome, Alicia!
Alicia Keys: What's up?
Alicia Keys: Whassssssssuuuuuppppppppppppp?
User: Alicia you are truly inspirational, can you tell me about your article in the magazine honey saying you are or used to be bisexual?
Alicia Keys: Thank you, Drama Momma, for the inspirational part --but how did you get biSEXUAL from biRACIAL?
Alicia Keys: Because I am DEFINITELY ONLY INTO MEN!
Host: There is a big difference between biracial and bisexual...
Alicia Keys: A BIG difference!
Host: From Distinct87...
User: Alicia How long have you been singing?
Alicia Keys: Since I was 4 years old. I loved it from the minute I started and I never stopped.
Host: From CAPlaya85...
User: Who was your influence when you were younger
Alicia Keys: My influences were everyone from Chopin to Marvin Gaye to Mary J Blige to Miles Davis to Biggie.
Host: From Bluisweetie0512...
User: Alicia you're the best! What is the next single coming out?
Alicia Keys: Next single, we're talking about the video, but it is "A Woman's Worth," one of my favorite songs on the album. We're doing a video at the latest in September, so the song should be out before then -- maybe end of August.
Host: From ACsChick8813...
User: Do you have any cleb cruches??
Alicia Keys: I might think some are cute, but I don't like to get into celebrities too much.
Host: From newacct978885...
User: First of all, congratulations on all of your success. I feel that you deserve every bit of it. Although you have already accomplished a great deal, what are some of your remaining life goals that you would like to accomplish in the future?
Alicia Keys: Whew...heavy! I really like to be involved and help people. I'm a people person, so I think that a lot of my goals in the future will be very much related to serving people in the way of education, or in the way of supporting causes that I believe in, making things that weren't so visible more visible -- things like that?
Host: What are some causes you support?
Alicia Keys: I think that a lot of people that I know, and in the world, have been struck by this cancer epidemic, so I think that I definitely support that, from breast cancer to any type of cancer. Also, there's a big thing I'm into, and it's something called Guilty By Association. A lot of people are wrongly jailed because of this, and there's nothing they can do about it unless they have a million trillion dollars, which most people do not.
Host: From PhllysMostWantd...
User: What kind of man you lookin for?
Alicia Keys: I like a man that has ambition.
Alicia Keys: That pretty much sums it up.
Host: From BuggyGal88...
User: how did u learn how to play the piano like that?!!?
Alicia Keys: Practice, practice, practice! =)
Host: So kids, listen to your mom when they tell you to stick with your lessons!
Alicia Keys: Or anything that you like.
Host: From LiZ iZ A aNgel...
User: when did u get ur first kiss
Alicia Keys: This guy that I really liked -- he can also sing. We were walking around the park and it was dark, and he was singing "Always And Forever."
Alicia Keys: And sooo.....I couldn't help it!
Host: How old were you?
Alicia Keys: Wellll........Let's say i was 14.
Host: From Aname87...
User: how old r u alicia? who do yo braids?
Alicia Keys: I am 20. And I have two great ladies that do my braids. One of them is in LA -- her name is Nikki Tucker. The other is in NY -- her name is Elise.
Host: From CuBaN MaMi36...
User: hi Alicia i wanted to congratulate you on your album your amazing i consider you better and more of a musician than even whitney houston and celine dion (my favorites) well my ? is what is your favorite and most meaningful song in your album?...Yenexis :0)
Alicia Keys: Thank you Yenexis! That's some pretty great people that are your favorites.
Alicia Keys: The most meaningful song on my album depends on the day. One that defintitely stand out as the most meaningful is between "Troubles" and "Caged Bird."
Host: From Lukyblonde807...
User: if and when are you goin to go on tour? i'd love to come see you in concert. i'd pay any amount for tickets
Alicia Keys: Whoa! Well, I won't make you pay too much. I'm starting my tour on August 13 with Maxwell.
Alicia Keys: It goes from August 13 to the end of October, so look for it in your neck of the woods.
Host: From Lancegirl10...
User: hey what gave you tha idea 4 your booty kickin song???
Alicia Keys: My booty kickin' song -- thank you for saying so -- came from life. ...and how, when you really care about somebody, you just go back and forth all the time.
Host: From Kolabear1...
User: Was it hard for u to move around with out seeing your parents for a long period of time
Alicia Keys: Only sometimes, when I'm gone for a really long time, but mostly I talk on the phone with my mother every day. Maybe even 2 and 3 times.
Alicia Keys: So I barely even get a chance to miss her!
Host: From DaMissez072184...
User: So what does it feel like to have your album named #1 in the country?
Alicia Keys: There's not a very good answer besides EXCITED and honored that people even relate to you and it and what you feel and what you do. It's something else.
Host: Speaking of honors, Alicia, you were just nominated for a MTV Video Music Award
Host: for Best New Artist -- and the record was certified platinum today.
Alicia Keys: What?
Host: You didn't know that?
Alicia Keys: Not about the award!And I just found out about the platinum. And HOLY ****!
Host: You're performing at the VMAs as well, right?
Alicia Keys: Yes -- where am I? That's what I want to know most of the time.
Host: Learn something new every day!
Host: Unfortunately, our time is up, but Alicia, thank you so much for coming by!
Alicia Keys: Oh man! Already?
Alicia Keys: Thanks for coming to talk to me, and for making the record not only #1 in the country, but now platinum. What that really means to me is that we're relating to each other. And that's luvvvvvv!
Host: If you haven't already picked up Alicia's amazing debut album -- which she wrote and produced herself -- Songs In A Minor -- stop what you're doing and go get it this instant.
Host: Thanks for joining for our chat with Alicia Keys tonight -- good night!